



  Working hard and being smart with your money aren't things you just should do because they seem virtuous — these behaviors ultimately allow you to get more enjoyment out of life. You'll have no regrets when you're able to accomplish what's important to you because of your savvy ways. These are 10 golden rules that I try to live by; click through and then make a list of your own.


  1.Live Within Your Means


  In order to be truly independent, it's imperative to live within your means. Your freedom is limited by owing money to anyone, whether it's a credit card company or a family member, so set yourself up for an unrestricted life by saving for the things you want and spending with a plan.


  2.Work Hard


  Your job and the salary you command are your biggest assets in building wealth. Do your best at work and take the steps to make yourself indispensable to set yourself up for the highest level of success.


  3.Research Before You Act


  Whether you're comparing travel package and a la carte prices for a vacation or looking up a company to see if it's legitimate, research is almost always worth your time.


  4.Avoid Buyer's Remorse


  Feeling guilty just doesn't sit well. Avoid buyer's remorse by asking yourself these questions before making a purchase: Do I love it? How often would I wear or use it? Can I afford it? Could I find it cheaper somewhere else?


  5.Avoid Saver's Remorse


  There is such a thing as being too thrifty for your own good. What's the point of squirreling away so much cash if you can't splurge occasionally on yourself and others? Include an amount of discretionary money into your budget to spend on things that you might not desperately need, but would make you smile.


  6.Strive For Happiness


  Finding a job that makes you happy most of the time is possible, and it's worth taking risks to discover what fulfills you. If for one reason or another you're stuck in a position that isn't ideal, at least strive to end your day with something that does make you happy.


  7.Go For Quality, Not Quantity


  Stuffing your closet with items that will fall apart in three months is a silly way to spend your hard earned cash. Buy a smaller quantity of things that are made to last, and you'll be the owner of higher quality items that look and feel like they're worth your money.


  8.Face Your Weaknesses Head-On


  We're not perfect, but admitting that you have weaknesses and doing your best to improve will allow you to continue growing. Invest time in yourself to be the most well-rounded person you can be.


  9.Save For the Predictable and the Unexpected


  We're all going to face retirement someday, and the best time to save for it is now. On the other hand, we also need to be prepared for the unexpected, like job loss or a medical emergency, so that we can remain in control of our finances even when other things aren't going our way.




  Doors aren't closed until you hear the word no. Negotiating things like salary and benefits can get you ahead of the game, and all you need is the confidence to ask.



  How to be a better money role model for your child

  By Kimberly Palmer March 24 at 12:00 PM


  As a mom who writes about money for a living, I figured my 6-year-old daughter would learn a lot about personal finances from overhearing me talk about my work. She’s listened to me give radio interviews espousing the benefits of budgeting, and heard me talk at the dinner table about the importance of frugality.

  The behavior I was modeling, though, was severely undermining many of those lessons. She noticed that when we went out for dinner, it was almost always her dad who picked up the bill at the end of the meal. (In fact, I often left my wallet at home, knowing he had his.) When she heard her father and me talking about bills and saving for college, she probably could tell that while I was handling many of the monthly bills, her dad was managing many of the longer term savings accounts. Until recently, I am embarrassed to admit, I didn’t even know some of the passwords.


  金柏莉 帕尔梅 三月二十四日下午12:00



  As I researched my new book, “Smart Mom, Rich Mom: How to Build Wealth While Raising a Family,” I realized that I was probably passing on harmful lessons to her and that the situation needed to change immediately. The dozens of smart moms I interviewed taught me how essential it is not only that I take more control over our family finances, but also that I demonstrate that behavior to my daughter, so she can learn from it. A 2014 survey on parents, kids and money by T. Rowe Price found that boys are more likely than girls to say their parents talk to them about setting financial goals (58 percent versus 50 percent). The survey also found that boys are more likely to consider themselves smart about money and to say that their parents are saving for their future college tuition.


  [Are we holding our own daughters back? 5 ways to help our girls become leaders.]


  Those gender differences are pretty disturbing, and I can’t help but wonder if they are related to the fact that surveys repeatedly show that as young adults, women tend to save less, invest less and earn less than their male peers. One2014 Wells Fargo survey found that women in their 20s feel less satisfied with their money than their male peers, and that the women carry more debt.

  The moms I interviewed who I admire most when it comes to money were in constant communication with their children about the financial choices they were making for their families. Those useful conversations include the mistakes that they made with money; how and why they earn money and what it pays for; and how they are saving for big goals such as a family vacation or college tuition.



  I started trying to incorporate these money-related discussions into our daily chats. On the way to school, when my daughter asks for a story from my childhood, I tell her how I made a budget before my parents let me get a hamster, and about my first job running a neighborhood summer camp.

  I could tell she started thinking more about money, too. She often reminds us now that we shouldn’t go out to lunch, because it’s too expensive. Or she offers to share her piggy bank savings with us if we ever run into hard times (I really appreciated that one). After helping me pay the water bill one morning, she brainstormed ideas for how we could reduce our water consumption. When her 3-year-old brother bemoaned the fact that I had to go to work on a day he didn’t have school, she calmly explained to him, “Mommy has to work so we can live in our house.”



  Like highly trained CIA agents, our kids are studying us all the time — even when we think they’re distracted. Sometimes it’s shocking to hear them repeat our words back to us; sometimes it’s adorable. One thing is for sure: In all things, from eating to getting dressed to interacting with our partners to paying for a restaurant meal, we are their models.


  Kimberly Palmer is the author of “Smart Mom, Rich Mom: How to Build Wealth While Raising a Family,” from which this piece is adapted. She lives in the Wash ington area with her two children.

  金柏莉 帕尔梅是《巧妈妈,富妈妈:怎样支撑家庭还存钱?》一书的作者。本文就是摘录于那本书。她带着两个孩子住在华盛顿特区。


  Everyone has a bad financial habit. We live in a country that spends billions on advertising to make us want to make purchases; However, if you are looking to make change and break your bad financial habits use these tips. Remember: even though the habits are hard to break and require conscientious effort, there is payoff.


  1. Buy only what you really need. Most of us take impulsive shopping trips to buy items we really don't really need. Some claim shopping eases their tension, gets their mind off of other things, or gives them a boost of happiness. Take the time to figure out what spurs you to buy unnecessary items. Try to replace shopping with some hobbies like riding your bike or taking a walk with friends.

  1. 购买真正需要的物品。大多数人都会冲动购物,买一些并不真正缺少的商品。有些人说,购物可以缓解压力,把注意力从其他事情上移开,或者提升幸福感。你应该去弄清楚是什么刺激你购买那些无用的商品,还应该其他爱好替代购物,比如骑车或者和朋友散步。

  2. Track your expenses. Sometimes restaurants and businesses will charge you the wrong amount, but you won't have the receipt to back up your claim. Other times, you might have insufficient funds for the check you just wrote. Keep your receipts, and spend a few minutes every night to double check your charges, and know the current balance of your bank account. It beats getting overcharged or having to pay an overdraft fee.

  2. 核对费用清单。有时候,饭店和商户会多收费,你却没有收据为自己讨说法。或者,你可能开了支票,账户里却余额不足。你应该把收据保存起来,每天晚上花上几分钟核对两遍费用支出,清楚自己眼下的账户余额。这样做可以避免消费超额和透支。

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