
翼支付用户回馈:一人消费 全家优惠




  轻松绑卡 福利到手 生活消费大不同






  专属折扣 便捷支付,超市购物大不同


  5月25日当天,开通添益宝的翼支付用户可以享受5折优惠。真的是5折! 如果没有翼支付,我们怎么能在超市享受到如此低的折扣。开通添益宝就可以有低折扣购物的优惠,还可以理财赚钱,何乐而不为?!

  此次翼支付用户回馈活动波及的城市有:北京、天津、石家庄、上海、南京、苏州、无锡、杭州、宁波、温州、合肥、芜湖、蚌埠、南昌、郑州、武汉、长沙、株洲、湘潭、广州、深圳、南宁、重庆、成都、绵阳、攀枝花、凉山、西安、乌鲁木齐 ,以及福建全省九城市。


翼支付用户回馈:一人消费 全家优惠










  很精彩 Luoyang Telecom Branch Company used the illegal payment platform "YiPay" to trick users into binding their bank cards, and then stole money to "Xiamen Electronic Payment Co., Ltd."

  Luoyang telecommunication company uses "wing pays" this pays illegally platform, coax oneself bind bank card of industry and commerce. Then they shut down the SMS notification function of the account changes on my three telecom cards at that time, and illegally transferred 49.55 yuan to Xiamen Electronic Payment Co., Ltd., the professional stealing account of "Yi Pay" every month. Later, they pretended to pay the phone bill for me. But I did not authorize, also did not provide the corresponding industrial and commercial bank account login password and payment password. I do not know how Luoyang Telecom and Industrial and Commercial Bank collude to magically steal the money, and did not inform and inform myself. I still paid cash monthly (at that time, three phone cards each cost $29 a month). It was three months after I discovered their criminal behavior. I communicated with them without success. Instead, they shielded my identity, refused to provide telecommunications services and ICBC services, quickly canceled several accounts of the industrial and commercial bank at that time and destroyed cards. I consulted several lawyers about this matter and wrote a complaint against Luoyang Telecom and Luoyang Industrial and Commercial Bank for colluding with each other in the case of illegal money theft, which was submitted to Luolong District Court of Luoyang City. I am the plaintiff in the complaint, which was filed in May 2016. The court is fully represented by Mr Lau Tzung Po. But he said he had an emergency at home and had been on leave for three months. Later its telephone 17737737880 on and off, for a while said "is me, in the field" for a while said "too busy, such as reply" for a while said "this telephone common, luoyang luolong district court documents common". It dragged on through 2017. The case did not come to trial until 2018. In March and April 2018, I repeatedly requested the Procuratorate of Luolong District of Luoyang City to punish the Court of Luolong District for intentionally delaying the opening of the court, executing procedural violations and omissions, and accepting an astronomical amount of bribes from Luoyang Telecom. Los dragon district court after find out many magical excuse "icbc luoyang branch deliberately not pick up the book" "my legal fees for not paying and I cheated him out of 50 yuan, but without the receipt, gave a stub do receipt" bocom "and said I cheated him out of 350 yuan on luoyang icbc deliberately not pick up a book, the luoyang daily for seven days after the hearing." Later, in the second half of 2018, there was no news. Suddenly, in 2019, the court issued a forged legal order (2018) Yu0311, No. 1091 of the Early Republic of China. Funny is: the reason for not hearing is:

  I myself, the accuser, deliberately omitted to appear in court.

  I'm afraid this ridiculous excuse took more than three years to make up.

  China does not exist and there is no precedent in the world.

  The counterfeiting technology of Luolong District Court in Luoyang City is world-class. It is ridiculous to treat the PRC's legal system as a child's play. There are more monsters, and there are more demons. Law is just urine on a piece of paper, yes or no.

  Chinese people let the whole world learn, Luoyang city let the Communist Party learn, Luoyang Luolong District Court let China's Supreme Court, high prosecutors learn

  Is wonderful

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